Permissible Clear Spans for Rafters (to BS 5268-7.5)

Slope Imposed load Strength class Plasterboard
  • Find the column for your dead load and spacing, and the row for your timber size to find the permissible clear span on slope in metres.
  • Click on a span to generate a full calculation (you can adjust the exact span and slope).
  • This span table is to the format and methodology given in BS 5268-7.5.
  • These spans were calculated using our rafter calculation engine.
  • These span tables are the equivalent of other industry-standard span tables and are calculated to the same standards.
  • This table uses commonly available UK regularised timber depths.
  • Read the notes at the bottom of the table for assumptions, references and related standards.
Back BACK RAFTER CALCULATOR Equivalent purlin span table
Dead load per square metre (in kN/m²) supported by rafters
Not more than 0.5 More than 0.5 but not more than 0.75 More than 0.75 but not more than 1
Centre-to-centre spacing of rafters (in mm)
Rafter size
Width × depth (mm)
400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600
Permissible clear span on slope (metres)
38 × 95 2.238 2.152 1.953 2.123 2.041 1.850 2.028 1.949 1.766
38 × 120 2.821 2.713 2.463 2.677 2.573 2.334 2.558 2.458 2.228
38 × 145 3.402 3.272 2.971 3.229 3.104 2.817 3.085 2.966 2.690
38 × 170 3.979 3.828 3.479 3.778 3.634 3.299 3.612 3.472 3.150
38 × 195 4.555 4.383 3.984 4.326 4.161 3.779 4.136 3.977 3.609
44 × 95 2.350 2.260 2.052 2.230 2.144 1.945 2.131 2.048 1.857
44 × 120 2.961 2.848 2.588 2.811 2.703 2.454 2.687 2.583 2.343
44 × 145 3.569 3.434 3.121 3.389 3.260 2.961 3.240 3.115 2.827
44 × 170 4.174 4.017 3.653 3.965 3.815 3.466 3.792 3.646 3.311
44 × 195 4.776 4.598 4.184 4.539 4.367 3.970 4.341 4.176 3.793
47 × 95 2.402 2.310 2.098 2.280 2.192 1.989 2.179 2.094 1.899
47 × 120 3.026 2.911 2.646 2.873 2.763 2.509 2.746 2.640 2.396
47 × 145 3.647 3.509 3.191 3.464 3.332 3.027 3.312 3.185 2.891
47 × 170 4.264 4.105 3.734 4.052 3.898 3.544 3.875 3.727 3.385
47 × 195 4.879 4.697 4.276 4.637 4.463 4.058 4.436 4.268 3.878
38 × 114 2.682 2.578 2.340 2.544 2.446 2.218 2.431 2.336 2.117
38 × 140 3.286 3.160 2.870 3.119 2.998 2.721 2.980 2.864 2.597
38 × 184 4.302 4.139 3.762 4.085 3.929 3.568 3.905 3.755 3.407